📒API List

The list of available apis to integrate with spotonchain

General API

  1. search

Description: search target, it can be prefix name, address, txn

Method: GET

URI: /openapi/search


required string target


required array of object matched_list:

required SearchTargetCategory category

optional string name

optional string logo_url

// for token

optional float price

optional float percent_change_24h

// for entity

optional uint64 id

optional uint32 count

// for address

optional string address

// for txn

optional uint32 chain_id

optional string txn_hash

Signal API

  1. get_latest_signals

Description: get latest signals

Method: GET

URI: /openapi/signals/get_latest_signals


required string api_key

optional string lang

optional uint32 last_publish_time

optional uint32 limit


required uint32 total_signal

required array of object latest_signals:

required uint64 signal_id

required string title

required string description

required string content

required OnchainSignalType signal_type

required object txn_data_details

required array of object token_amounts

required string token

required decimal amount

optional array of object address_list:

required string address

required string logo_url

required string external link

optional array of object txn_list:

required string from_address

required string from_logo_url

required string to_address

required string to_logo_url

required string external_link

required array of string media_data

required array of object tags:

required OnChainSignalTagType tag_type

required string tag

required OnChainSignalStatus status

required uint32 publish_time

required uint32 update_time

optional object graph_info:

optional uint64 graph_id

optional string graph_thumbnail_url

optional string title

optional string description

optional uint32 sync_time optional OnChainSignalPriority priority

optional uint32 is_auto_generated

optional uint32 is_trending

Smart Trader API

  1. get_top_active_tokens

Description: get top active tokens

Method: GET

URI: /openapi/smart_trader/get_top_active_tokens


required string api_key


required array of object top_bought_tokens:

required string token

required decimal value # in usd

required array of object top_sold_tokens:

required string token

required decimal value # in usd

  1. get_latest_smart_money_flow

Description: get the latest smart money flow

Method: GET

URI: /openapi/smart_trader/get_latest_smart_money_flow


required string api_key

optional string lang

optional string token # if no token indicate, show all

optional uint32 limit # max 100


optional decimal total_net_flow

required array of (timestamp, price) price_data

required array of (timestamp, volume) volume_data

required array of object items:

required uint32 chain_id

required string txn_hash

required string txn_link

required uint32 txn_ts

optional uint64 entity_id

required string address

optional OnchainLabelAddressType address_type

optional string name

optional string logo

required decimal amount_in_usd

required string txn_type # SEND, RECEIVE, SWAP â€Ļ

required token => object tokens:

optional decimal in_amount

optional decimal out_amount

  1. get_fresh_money_flow

Description: get the latest fresh money flow

Method: GET

URI: /openapi/smart_trader/get_fresh_money_flow


required string api_key

optional string lang

optional string token # if no token indicate, show all

Reply: optional decimal total_value

required array of (timestamp, volume) volume_data

required array of (timestamp, price) price_data

required array of object items:

required uint32 chain_id

required string txn_hash

required string txn_link

required uint32 txn_ts

optional uint64 entity_id

required string address

optional string name

optional string logo

required decimal amount_in_usd

required decimal avg_price

required uint32 txn_ts

optional decimal percent_change

required string txn_type # SEND, RECEIVE, SWAP â€Ļ

required token => object tokens:

optional decimal in_amount

optional decimal out_amount

Address API

  1. get_transactions

Description: Get the address transactions

Method: GET

URI: /openapi/address/get_transactions


required string address

optional string tokens # separated by comma

optional uint32 from_ts

optional uint32 min_amount_usd

optional OnchainTxnSortType sort_type: default SORT_BY_TIME_DESC

optional uint32 page_index

optional uint32 item_per_page: default 50


required uint32 total_item

required uint32 total_page

required array of object transactions:

required uint32 chain_id

required string txn_hash

required string txn_link

required uint32 create_ts

required string from_address

optional OnchainLabelAddressType from_address_type

optional string from_name

optional string from_logo

required string to_address

optional OnchainLabelAddressType to_address_type

optional string to_name

optional string to_logo

required decimal amount_in_usd

required string txn_type

required token => object tokens:

optional decimal in_amount

optional decimal out_amount

Entity API

  1. get_addresses

Description: Get addresses under the entity

Method: GET

URI: /openapi/entity/get_addresses


required uint64 entity_id


required array of object label_wallets

required string address

required OnchainLabelAddressType address_type

required string name

optional string logo_url

optional string link_url

Last updated